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10 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Website Design & Development

Are you looking to create a website for your business or organization, but don’t know where to start?

Website design and development can seem intimidating at first, but with the right knowledge, you can easily make a website that meets your needs. Before you begin website design and development, it’s important to define your goals and target audience.

This will help you determine the best way to go about creating your website and ensure it is successful. In this blog post, we will discuss the things you need to know before you start website design and development.

frog digiDefine your goals

Before you begin to develop your website, it is essential to define your goals and objectives. Take the time to think about what you would like to achieve with your website. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or grow sales? Once you have determined the purpose of your website, you can start researching and planning for a successful website design and development project.

Research your goals

Once you have defined your goals, it is important to research them. Try to get as much information as possible about what you want to achieve. Look into what competitors are doing, what kind of content has been successful in the past, and what tactics have worked for similar businesses. By understanding your goals, you will be better equipped to create an effective website design that meets those objectives.

Define the KPIs

Once you have researched your goals, it is important to define key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help measure the success of your website. KPIs can include things like page views, time on site, and click-through rate. Having these metrics in place will help you track and measure the progress of your website design and development project.

Research your target audience

Before you start the process of developing a website, it’s important to understand who your target audience is. Knowing who your target audience is will help you to create content that resonates with them and bring in the most amount of traffic. You should also research your competitors in order to get an idea of who their target audience is and how much traffic they are getting. Doing this research will help you gain insight into the type of content that your target audience is interested in and how you can use it to capture their attention.

Once you have a better understanding of your target audience, you can create content that is tailored to their interests and needs. This will help you build up a loyal following and increase your chances of success. When creating content for your website, it is important to make sure that it is of high quality. Quality content means content that offers value to the reader. Content should be well-researched and easy to read.

It should be informative and relevant to the topic at hand. Additionally, content should be optimized for search engines so that it appears at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Quality content should be updated regularly and include visuals like images or videos when possible. Creating content consistently helps to keep visitors engaged on your site, as well as attract new ones. Finally, remember to include calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your content in order to encourage readers to take action and become more engaged with your site.

Define your target audience

It is important to understand who your target audience is before beginning a website design and development project. Who are the people you are hoping to reach? What do they care about? What challenges do they face? Understanding the needs and interests of your target audience will help ensure that your website design and development efforts are tailored to their specific needs.

Define the timeline

Finally, it is important to define a timeline for your website design and development project. How long do you plan on working on it? What milestones do you need to hit in order to launch the website? Having a timeline in place will ensure that you are able to stay on track and complete your project on time.

Choose a web designer/developer

When you are ready to select a web designer and developer, it is important to share your goals and target audience with them, as well as the research you have conducted. Be sure to also mention your budget so that the designer and developer can propose the technical requirements and execution processes that best fit your needs. After reviewing the initial proposals, pick the one that best meets your vision and then provide more insight and guidance to ensure the best possible results.

Don’t forget to check their work for originality, creativity, and effectiveness, as well as the overall look and feel of the website design they have created. Ensuring that their skills match what you need for your website is key to a successful project. For instance, if your website design requires the integration of payment solutions, social media feeds, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, or other more advanced features then make sure that these services are included in the proposal by your website designer or developer.

Additionally, inquire about their experience in customizing content management systems (CMS), as some designers may be proficient in popular open-source platforms like WordPress or Joomla while others may be capable of developing custom CMS from scratch.

It’s also important to determine how they will be communicating updates on progress during the development process, such as email notifications or status reports. This way you’ll be able to keep track of the progress made on your website design and make informed decisions on the direction the project should go in.

Make sure to ask how long it will take for them to complete the entire website design before signing any contract or agreement.

Share with your Designer and Developer

Once you have done the research and defined your goals and target audience, it’s time to share that information with your designer and developer. Give them a clear timeline and budget and they will work on the scope of work and tell you the plan of action. Explain what type of graphics, blogs, SEO, and digital marketing elements you would like to include in your website.

Be as specific as possible so your designer and developer can come up with a plan that best fits your needs. Knowing your goals, timeline, and budget is the first step in getting your website up and running in no time. The second step is making sure the design and development team has all the necessary materials to start working on the project. This includes details such as the types of graphics needed, blogging requirements, SEO content, and digital marketing techniques.

Your designer will ensure the look and feel of the website matches the branding message of your company, while the developer ensures all content functions properly across various browsers and devices. Additionally, both team members should be aware of any search engine optimization techniques needed to ensure search engine rankings are improved over time.

By taking these steps before actually designing and developing a website, you can save time and money while also guaranteeing the end product meets all expectations.

The Design and Development Process

The designer and the developer will share the scope of work, architecture and deliverables with you for the process.

With that process make sure your goal post is not adjusted but the processes and the information captured are altered to suit.

The design shall look aesthetically appealing. Shall be in sync with your mood and colors story and last but not least the ease and right information for the customer.

Do revisions as requested in the proposals and make sure the feedback is perfect and precise and the communication is clear with the objectives because you could waste time going back and forth. Avoid that and you will save time.

Launch your website

First is the soft launch to make sure that everything is smooth sailing with the testing and another process alignment. After a few days and a few trial runs of actual testing make sure the entire website is launched with fan fair and you start marketing and publicizing as per your plans.

Don’t leave anything unturned to publicize as per your plans and strategies. If not sure then go back to the strategies and edit as this is the crucial part of the execution and final launch.


Find your competitor’s website and rework your goals so that you are better than those businesses.

Discuss with the website designer and developer defining your scope of work and what and how you want to achieve your goals.

Share your goals and target audience and research with your website designer and the developer.

Decide accordingly on the budget before you start and the other recurring investments for later upkeep and maintenance of the website.

Once the budget is defined it is easier for the designer and the developer to work on the project.

The budget is important so that the designer and developer can propose the technical requirements and the execution timeline accordingly. Time is money.

He will guide you for the platform and hosting etc. according to the growth plan, need and cost.

The bottom line is to keep an eye on the target, don’t shift, and don’t move till you are not sure. Partner with your developer and you will see the difference.

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