social media

How to use social media marketing effectively?

Social media a very effective tool to get traffic to your website as there are billions of users using one or the other social media platform. Be it entertainment or to learn something or to just pass time. So, how to use social media marketing effectively?

Website is like a city you planned and you want people to visit. These people are tourist and they used different medias to reach your site. Well, the more you market these social media more tourist will arrive your city / website.

So, if you have planned a very well laid out city what you need next is a proper way to entertain this traffic with proper knowledge, response and videos etc. And if there is a query question it needs to be answered and when they leave you make sure they visit you again and u keep them updated with the latest in your city / website.

To increase traffic to your website is tricky through social media, especially if you are on a limited budget. Well one way is attempted paid advertising.

But there are ways to organically increase the genuine traffic to your website through below mentioned few very important but well-tried practices.

This will not only will increase the traffic organically but will be a long-lasting attempt through social media channels.

As we all know, social media has the ability to be a major source of traffic to your site. The larger presence you build on social media, the more you can rely on steady social media traffic to your site.

How Do You Increase Social Media Traffic?

social media traffic

We planned the city so, now what we need is an engagement through social media and market our city / website. We built a relationship with each network. Then next level is the brand loyalty and potential conversion into sales.

Each social network is different, but to get an immediate boost in your social traffic, there are some steadfast rules to follow for all your social channels. Remember that your content says everything about your brand, so make sure your blog posts, case studies or infographics go above and beyond to make the social sharing aspect greater.

1. Inspire Your Audience with Visuals

social media pie chart

Adobe’s Q4 2013 Index showed social media posts with images create 650% more interaction with your subject and like to stay for longer than a normal just text post. So, Visuals can be used for social media marketing effectively.

First impression of your website is a long-lasting effect on the customer. So, is your social media visitor visiting your various social channels. He or she will visit and the First impressions are essential. We always say “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but more times than not, visuals help us make decisions.

People want visual content to help make sure their purchasing decisions are valid. When customers are able to view a product video or demo, they are 85% more likely to make a buying decision right there when compared to reading a text review.

Every social media platform or channel behave differently and has varied salient features. So, learn them to master and you will see a very engaging traffic with some instant gratification.

For example, Master Instagram


Instagram has more than 80 million photos and videos uploaded or shared each day. If your visuals are amazing and the content is upbeat as well as latest, the post or story is engaging.

And when you create a beautiful engaging social media post with visuals on Instagram which is impactful and packaged professionally, you will see comments and reaction within 2 days of posting, which shows its high impact on brand’s Instagram strategies. You will see the difference.

According to data from Instagram, brands see the highest level of engagement (4.21%) on Instagram when compared to other social networks.

Provide awesome visuals that not only stand out, but speak volumes about you, your product and your story. The best visuals on social media tend to include:

  • Vibrant colors and well-designed layouts
  • High-level photography
  • Visuals telling stories
  • Visuals showing products or services in a new light
  • Consistently on point and well-planned
  • Hashtags and lastly
  • Tagging people

2. Make Your Content Easily Shareable

While on move people are using mobile phones. They are reading, exploring and learning too while discovering or searching.

According one data 40% of news content is consumed on a mobile device as compared to desktop. Also 65%-time mobile device was used in 2013 comparison to a desktop. Which has eventually increased only.

So, at the end of the day your application or website should be device friendly also and can help to use social media marketing effectively.

Use Social Media Plugins & Buttons

social media plugins

When you have created amazing post or story make sure you have engaged the audience also, now it’s time for them to share.

Let’s find out how can we know which is the most visited part of your content. Through plugins like Plerdy (for WordPress) you can use heat senser to track or sense the hot spots or the most visited and rested places on your content.

This can help you to see where people are clicking the most on your blog or quality content. Once you have a good idea of an area with high click volume, add your social share buttons there to immediately increase traffic.

Get readers to share your content by using social media plugins. There are various plugins that can help you spread your content via social media much easier. One of the avenues is using click to Tweet, which allows readers to highlight parts of your content to share on social without leaving the page.

Secondly, you have to include social media buttons that are mobile friendly and don’t distract your readers while scrolling. According to Slate and Chartbeat, most readers only make it halfway down the page. Which means you have to optimize where you want to place your social media buttons.

The above example of right use of heat moping thru a plugin can help you put in the share button at the right place and you can have more traffic to your social media and in return more customers.

3.Improve Your SEO


While be your website or your social media post, stories or any other content, SEO is a must. While you want it to be easy for readers to share your content, you also need to ensure your content is being shared correctly and effectively. For an effective and fruitful social media marketing SEO is a must.

So, basically integrate you SEO practices and strategies to your social channels and platforms contents also. Make sure you have applied all the tools and practices to up the game. You can read my separate blog to know more as how SEO can be effective and up your game.

So how does one can improve thru SEO:

  • Improve online visibility
  • Generate more sales/leads
  • Strengthen your brand’s authority and domain
  • Connect with your direct audience
  • Increase your social media traffic

If you’re looking to bolster your social traffic, optimizing content for search engines like Google and Bing can have tremendous payoffs. One data research of 2014 Advanced Web Ranking has showed that on average 72% of searches lead to a page one click.

That number drops significantly when you talk about ranking on page two or three. AWR data showed on average, page two and three garner less than 6% of organic clicks.

Encourage Inbound Links


While SEO best practices can help your website, you can use social media as a useful tool as well. Once you start to build up your quality of content, you’ll encourage external sites to link to your site with social media.

While this process might not be immediate for newer social users, it’s good to get in the habit of sharing other’s content and your own to build awesome relationships.

4. Know When Your Audience Is Listening

Through Social media marketing your audience wants to listen and the channels come running to rescue audience through your voice. But that need to be consistent, innovative, customer friendly and original with authority.

Post thru these channels constantly and regularly to use social media marketing effectively. The key to building follower count is all within consistency. The more consistent you are with your social media publishing, the higher chance you have at being seen.

Once you start to see a spike in social media traffic, you shouldn’t slow down on your posting. Use your social media calendar and time and action.

Make sure you read the analytics and find the demographic, customer profile timings and engagement etc. to fine tune your posts, time and action and the calendar regularly.

There are many factors that affect social media marketing, and that’s why it’s important to analyze and measure results. Analytics come in handy because they can help:

  • Optimize campaigns
  • Create new goals
  • Assess tracking metrics

Keeping a daily publishing schedule is crucial to effective social media traffic building. Make sure you know roughly how much to post to each site and at what times. Continuous touch base and A firm Inion Metrics can provided some insights on how much to post:

  • Post on Facebook 3-10 times a week
  • Tweet at least five times a day
  • Instagram around 1.5 times a day
  • Post on LinkedIn 2-5 times a week

Use a social media Calendar

social media calender

It can be little taxing sometime to make sure how and when to plant your post, story or that twit to reach your audience right on time and at the right place.

Well, there are these social media calendar which yo can use to make sure the above frequency and drops per day or week are met.

One can start with regular posting at different time and then check the analytics to learn more about the traffic on all the social media platforms or channels.

This can help you further and u can make a very robust but flexible Time and Action Calendar or a schedular to make sure your posts hit the max audience.

To make sure you’re up to speed on every channel, try to fill up your social media Calendar as much as possible. Once you build a full schedule, you’ll have a clear overview of your publishing habits, schedule and tactics. Some of the online social media Calendars are:

Brandwatch (Formerly 



Sprout Social

Optimizing your post time through a social media calendar can be the difference to seeing a change in your social media traffic.

5. Research Your Competitors

Finding out how well your competitors are doing is a tried-and-true marketing strategy. Get Full Competitive Research Coverage and Explore competitors, discover growth points, and build an unbeatable marketing strategy.

Discover how competitors generate traffic

It is important to know how you competitor is generating traffic. Below are some pointers which can help you generate traffic and know how to use social media marketing effectively

  • Uncover mobile-desktop traffic share of any
    company in the market
  • Dissect your competitors’ marketing mix by their
    traffic sources — direct, search, referral, paid, and social
  • Locate which countries their traffic comes from
  • Explore which sites people visit before and after
    landing on a competitor’s site

Social Media Competitive analysis can help you explore your traffic on different platforms and channels. This can simply help you dissect your social media traffic.

You can easily locate key performance metrics and see how similar audiences respond to competitors’ social posts.

What clicks the audience engagement?

Engagement is absolutely essential to social media. With competitive analysis, you can get a better idea into your own social media content planning. Try to find what type of content is driving the comments, clicks, impressions and shares. This can give you a better idea into your own social media content planning.

Below is one of the exhaustive list of things to do for your social media engagement and use social marketing effectively.

  • Use Hashtags to Build Comradery
  • Use Live Videos to Your Best Advantage
  • Use Tools for Better Engagement
  • Be Responsive to Comments on Content
  • Contests and Giveaways Are Your Best Friend
  • Share Content That Is Relevant To Your Audience

You can use Sprout Social’s Twitter analytics software, you’ll have a clear comparison of your Twitter handle against a competitor. You can compare two competitors against each other for the post engagement and posting etc. With the comparison you can device strategy and update your social medial calendar. This can really help you derive a very successful social media marketing very effectively.

So, to conclude to use social media marketing effectively one need to have an excellent plan. To execute make sure you deliver analogy across horizon and keep updating your time and action calendar and schedular of your social medial. But also keep audience totally engaged and entertained. Find out what they want and deliver them.

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