How to Generate Free Traffic Within 20 Days ?

Any blogger, marketer, or content creator ask what they want to see more of in their work-life, and they’re probably going to say, “More clientele/visitors/subscribers.” So, how to Generate Free Traffic Within 20 Days ?

If you hire a PR company or a freelancer it can cost you a small fortune to create traffic.

To create your niche without spending even a single penny one can create traffic within 2 to 3 weeks.

I will share few pointers and you can refer to my other blogs for more.

Using 10 really powerful strategies you can generate a lot of free traffic to your website.

A very interesting fact but true to its core. It is always good to create and outline your targeted audience or end customer.

So, once you have created and establish the customer or target audience, please define a quality content accordingly. Refer to my separate blog to know more. Read and follow the instruction to do more from my blog Digital Marketing.  Even after that if the traffic does not improve there are few more pointers.

So, how to Generate Free Traffic Within 20 Days ? We have few more steps which can help you gain free traffic within 2 to 3 weeks.

1) Perfect your landing page to Generate Free Traffic Within 20 Days.

free website tips

It’s important to have a page designed for your business that you can place on your site that will encourage people to sign up for more information.

There is no perfect landing page – this much has been proven. However, if you want to increase your chances of developing high converting landing pages that are worth your time and money, then you need to study what other successful marketers are doing and find ways to apply these insights to your own pages.

If you can do this, you’ll enjoy better conversion rates and higher overall engagement

The landing page itself needs to be well-designed, fast loading and interesting enough to get people excited about what you have going on.

For a near perfect landing page, we need below 3 main attributes ot be taken care off.

Proper Landing Page Structure

Low-converting pages generally have one thing in common: They don’t organize the flow of information in a proper format.

Place your best features and the most important information at the top. This diminishes the chances that someone will overlook something.

Moving your call-to-action (CTA) to the top may seem unnatural at first, but it will produce much higher returns in the long run. This is one tip you can’t ignore.

Targeted Headline

In most cases, the headline is the first thing a user will notice when they click on a landing page. This means your landing page’s headline needs to be a priority – not an afterthought.

So, what constitutes a high converting headline? Well, research suggests using numbers, five to nine words, negative verbiage, multiple parts and clear intentions. If you can follow these characteristics, you’ll greatly increase your chances of keeping visitors on the page.

Appropriate Colors

Choose aesthetically uniform, soft and easy on your eyes. It is good to define the color story before and stick to it without compromising the theme and the final objective of being tasteful.

Credibility and Approval

Landing page need to be more organic then looks or sound like a sales pitch. Instead of Direct sale let the audience make their own decisions after being comfortable with an ease. The best way to accomplish Credibility and Approval is by using social proof.

Customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies – can enhance the credibility of your value offering by showing users that your claims are honest and forthright.

Feel free to mix and match different approaches to meet specific needs. What works for one landing page may not work for another. So, try and test which works the best for your website.

Make Optimization a Habit

Time tested fact one can never go wrong with the SEO of your landing page. Successful pages are often the pages that required the most tweaking and optimizing.

If you want to develop high converting pages, make a habit out of continual analysis. Study the numbers, research the best practices, and optimize your page for best results. Keep the aforementioned characteristics in mind and you’ll have a strong foundation to build upon and lots of free traffic to your website.

2) Use Hashtags to Target Your Content 

Hashtags are a great way to target your content, letting you reach customers who may be interested in what you have to say.

If you are not using hashtags on your social media posts, you are missing out on a great deal of engagement. They have become an integral part of any social media marketing strategy.

For example, if you own a digital marketing business and use hashtags like #digitalmarketing and #marketing, people searching for those terms will find your page and potentially follow you.

The more relevant hashtags you use, the more likely it is that people will find your page. They can increase the reach, visibility, and engagement rate of your content, which is basically the goal of all your social media efforts, right?

3) Social Media Sites to Generate Free Traffic Within 20 Days.

social media website

The goal of social media is to connect with others and bring them together. Use it wisely to create a feeling of community among your followers. People are there at your site because they like your thoughts, spirit or what you’re selling. They feel passionate about it.

Utilizing social media networks such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and LinkedIn etc.

Social Media Sites Can be an incredibly effective way to generate free traffic. With more than 1 billion Facebook users worldwide, there’s a good chance that someone you know—or a friend of a friend—is using it.

So, start letting folks weigh in. You can do this via social media. Set up your profile to funnel people towards offers or your email list, be it Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, a well optimised profile can start to generate you leads and sales without needing to spend money on traffic.

You also have to be active in your community, too. If you have a Twitter account, for example, it’s time to join in discussions using hashtags that are value-add. Answer those Facebook queries people are dropping. Interaction is everything, and you will be surprised whose day you can make by responding to them directly with a thoughtful reply.

LinkedIn is another valuable resource we think many folks overlook; therefore, you should get active. This is a great place to publish content, so post content over there regularly. This can bring in some serious traffic to your site, plus increase your visibility within your niche/industry.

4) email Marketing

Today brands use a modern approach as compared to the traditional marketing approach but E-mail is mostly used by the brands.

It is the most profitable tactic used by the brands for promoting their business.

Email marketing is versatile and inexpensive and increases the ROI per dollar spent.

One of the most used methods to increase subscribers by sharing your content with family and friends. They also share your content.

As you can increase leads from these subscribers and increase new visitors to visit the website.

E-mail marketing software makes it easy for you to analyze the efficiency of your email campaign. Take advantage of these analytics and measure the conversions from email marketing.

There are 2.5 billion email users out there, and it’s actually more effective than social media when acquiring new consumers.

It’s no secret why despite all the advances in reaching consumers, we keep returning to the power of email.

It’s easy to customize it, too- excellent for fostering that sense of belonging we spoke about earlier. You will be breaking down your email list into segments, and sending those smaller lists a tailor-made email that speaks to them and offers them something they want or need.

Think about this: when you make a Facebook post, you’re speaking to everybody as if it was the same person. Meanwhile, a good email marketing service will let you use names, offer up exciting topics that audience member cares about, and increase those clicks. Plus, using a person’s name is a great way to get them to click as it feels personal.

5) Join Quora

Quora is a forum posting in which Questions and Answers are given by the people for anything. This is a very good platform to gain the right visitors to your site.

People ask for doubts and answers given by the people on these topics and they also give some extra information that is not easily available on any other platform.

It is a very great platform to increase traffic easily to your website as it is generally serious traffic.

If you are expert and want to quickly respond and gain some traffic this is easy and fast way to keep you and your website on run.

6)  SEO


Getting your SEO or search engine optimization on point will require a little homework on your part, but it will be worth it once you see the traffic beginning to flow.

For starters, you want to make sure your writings, such as blog posts, site copy, and more are varied in format and length. This is going to help you appeal to a bigger audience.

You can mingle shorter posts of industry news, for example, with your longer content. You’ll also want to include other stuff such as infographics and video, but that stuff usually comes at a premium unless you are a graphic designer/video editor and can do your own stuff.

You also have to channel your inner newspaper reporter (or clickbait author) and write compelling titles to your blog posts. Yes, clickbait is cheesy, but it works.

Unless you get those visitors to make that click, your blog posts go untouched, gathering virtual cobwebs.

Remember, the best writers don’t just rattle stuff off and say, “Hey, looks good, we’re done.” They will often write a dozen or so headlines, let it simmer on their brain, and then choose the most compelling one. So don’t just hit “publish” all willy-nilly – take your time.

And lastly, long-tail keywords are your friend. They are specific keyword phrases that are longer, and visitors tend to use them when they are searching with their voices or trying to buy something.

For instance, if you are a clothing store, you won’t show up on a search for simply “clothes” because there’s so much competition out there.

Meanwhile, if somebody’s looking for a “women’s dress with leopard print and pockets” a keyword like such will yield the result the consumer is looking for. The visitor clicks, buys and spreads the word about your great service.

Why does this writing stuff even matter? Well, it gets you noticed on search engines. All the copy matters, from image alt text to meta descriptions. Just a few moments of extra thinking about how to create compelling copy can make or break your traffic.

And it’s going to be worth it for you to become friends with the website BuzzSumo, because this is a site that aggregates the social performance of various sites and their content to show you a quick view of what’s hot among readers and what’s popping on social media. Once you learn what everybody’s talking and posting about, you can post such content on your site and watch the traffic flow.

7) Generate Free Traffic with Influencer Marketing

If you aren’t familiar with the practice of influencer marketing, it works something like this:

You send your products to an influencer (someone with credibility and a large reach in your industry), and they promote them to their followers.

For instance, let’s say you fashion accessories. You find a page 3 personality like an OTT actor on Instagram who has hundreds of thousands of followers.

You send her or him some of your products. He or She likes them, and they tells her followers about them.

The next thing you know, those hundreds of thousands of followers are heading over to your website! Because if their favorite start endorses something, it must be good, right?

Influencer marketing works. Remember:

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations

74% of people use social media to help them make purchase decisions

60% of customers think about social media posts as they’re shopping

Seeing a positive social media post from someone a consumer trusts can exert a huge sway over how a consumer thinks of a brand.

Recommendations from friends are 43% more effective than ads on mobile devices.

And for most people, their favorite social media stars feel like their friends.

When you look for an influencer to partner with, look for someone who not only has a large following, but is knowledgeable and authentic.

Give them any resources they need to clearly communicate your brand and what you do.

When they post on social media, share their posts on your business page. Try to cultivate long-term relationships with influencers.

If you’ve just launched your website, influencer marketing is a good way to get started building your traffic.

Finding a few smaller-scale influencers who can drive some startup traffic your way. As your website grows, you can find bigger influencers, too.

If you notice that an industry leader is already talking about your business, fantastic! Reach out to them and form a more official partnership.

If they already use your product or service, they’ll be thrilled, and you’ll get traffic to your website for free.

Consider giving your influencer a special promo code that’s just for their followers.

This will make those people more likely to visit your website, check out the discount, and see what the buzz is all about.

8)  Host a giveaway on social media

Have you ever participated in a giveaway on Instagram where you were required to follow a loop of profiles and tag a few friends in the comments?

Those giveaways work because people want to win the amazing prize so they continue the loop, which in return produces a ton of new followers for the people hosting the giveaway (and potential new followers from friends tagged).

We host a recurring giveaway that helps us get free traffic and it’s worth its weight in gold when it comes to collecting targeted emails.

9) Make your site responsive

Your site’s mobile-friendliness is an important ranking factor. Many searchers now access content via their mobile devices and Google will rank your website higher if it’s optimized for smaller screens.

But you don’t have to be a technical whiz in order to make your site responsive. There are tools that take care of that for you, such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

Responsive Text

Since text size won’t be the same on a mobile phone as it is on a desktop, text must be made to scale down as the device screen width reduces.

Responsive Images

Just like text, images must scale down as screen width reduces, too.

Images have a fixed width and height, so when they are larger than the viewport width (screen width), a user typically has to scroll to see the whole thing, which creates a bad user experience.

Responsive Layout

The layout of any web page determines how the content is displayed in the browser.

So, it is important to keep your website in a very responsive mode. Follow all the above points and you can drive the traffic to your website easily.

10) Advertise on Google Maps and Get customers to leave a Google review

google maps

Brick-and-mortar retailers and service-orientated businesses can benefit from sharing their location on Google Maps.

Use Google Ads to help your business show up at the top of Google Maps’ search results. The system works similarly to AdWords, PPC, and click-through campaigns, where Google charges you per click.

The exposure your business gets through this advertising strategy is tremendous, and you’ll have traffic flocking to your website and your small business.

Referral traffic is the best traffic you get. It’s a prospective client that wants your product, based on the opinion of a recommendation from their social circle. If someone recommends your product to someone else, it’s the best form of qualified traffic you get.

That prospect is ready to take action, and they’ll probably result in a sale. Therefore, doing everything you can to get your customers to leave your Google reviews is an excellent traffic strategy.

The Google search algorithm prioritizes websites with large amounts of Google reviews. Ask your customers to leave you a review, and use a small incentive to get them to leave you 5-stars.

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